Coconut Oil Capsules

Coconut oil capsules are one of the latest forms of consumption of coconut oil.
Unimaginably tight job schedules and metropolitan lifestyles hardly give us any time to breathe, let lone eat lavish meals and use time-consuming health care products. Therefore, everything has begun to come in easily manageable, portable, and quickly consumable forms, such as fast foods, iPods, and mobile phones, etc. Coconut Oil is no exception.
For a long time, efforts have been ongoing to make coconut oil available in easily consumable forms, since you can neither carry a cake or bottle of coconut oil with you to your office, nor will you have the time to gulp down two tablespoons full of coconut oil, let alone massaging your body with it or getting your dishes cooked in it. For this reason, coconut oil capsules came as very good news for those ultra-busy executives and businessmen who did not want to compromise their health. They are portable, easily consumable, and have many of the benefits of coconut oil, if not all of them. Let’s learn a bit more about these beneficial capsules.

What Are Coconut Oil Capsules?

These capsules are like any other medicinal capsules, pills, or tablets. They have a concentrated form of coconut oil extract that fill starch capsules. Coconut Oil Capsules may or may not contain other herbal extracts and/or medicines and vitamin supplements. These capsules can be based on pure coconut oil, refined coconut oil, virgin coconut oil, or organic coconut oil (this one is doubted, as after so much processing, there is hardly any organic material left)
Organic coconut oil is also available in soft gel form. Some companies sell coconut oil soft gel pills, and a few of them sell virgin coconut oil pills as well. These companies suggest a daily dosage of 4-6 capsules or a specific amount directed by physicians. However, it may be difficult to swallow softgel capsules directly.

Benefits of Coconut Oil Capsules

Coconut Oil Capsules have the following advantages:

Easily portable and consumable
Dosages can be easily managed, since each has a fixed quantity and nutritional value.
Coconut oil soft gel capsules relieve you from the taste and odor of other drugs.

Uses of Coconut Oil Capsules

Coconut oil capsules are good for:

Weight loss
Treating Candida
Reducing bad cholesterol
Increasing good cholesterol
Treating hair loss
Improving metabolism
Keeping skin attractive and healthy
Treating problems in digestion
Fighting microbial infections
Cost of Coconut Oil Capsules
In places where coconuts are scarcely available, coconut oil capsules can be a good and cheap alternative to actually buying and eating a costly coconut. However, opting for them is certainly not a wise decision in certain coastal areas and islands in Asia and the Indian subcontinent, where fresh coconuts and pure coconut oil are available in plentiful amounts. In that case, they will cost you more.

Why Do People Demand Coconut Oil Pills or Capsules?

People have become accustomed to pills these days. Taking drugs in the form of pills is convenient and time-saving. But does that mean coconut oil should also be consumed in the form of pills? Since consumers, ignorantly, demand coconut oil pills, especially virgin coconut oil pills, some manufacturers package coconut oil for them in that form.
However, as mentioned earlier, these capsules are good for people living only in those places where fresh coconut or coconut oil is scarcely available and very costly. However, I doubt whether these capsules can really match the quality of fresh coconut oil or a fresh coconut. The reasons for that belief are quite simple.
They are highly processed, so they lack that natural and pure element of normal oil.
The taste and flavour are removed. You may not like the taste and smell of the capsule’s outer shell.
They will lack many volatile nutrients which actual coconut oil contains, due to the high degree of processing.
You cannot perform massages with these capsules, unlike with coconut oil.

What About Availability?

There are many companies that do not produce coconut oil soft gel capsules. The reason given by these companies is that a daily consumption of about 3 tablespoons is recommended by experts. That means about 50 g of coconut oil. Even if you only consume 1 tablespoon, that is about 15 grams. Now if you take coconut oil soft gel capsules, which generally contain about 500-1000 mg coconut oil, you will have to consume at least 15 capsules per day to equate to one 1 table spoon of coconut oil. That’s far too many. These capsules are also very costly when compared to regular coconut oil.
Furthermore, these capsules are made from animal gelatin. Therefore, if you are a vegan, you will want to stay away from them. Also, if you prefer to buy 100% organic products, you also have to ensure that the capsule is made from organic animal gelatin. Preparing soft gel capsules also involves the use of mineral oil, which is not permitted in organic foods, although there are some companies that claim to prepare soft gels without mineral oil.
Do you agree?

Imagine that you are a very busy man with no time to even eat your favourite food, let’s say ice Cream. Then you were given a capsule and told to gulp it down with some water. You did it. And then you were told that it was a capsulated form of ice cream (or any other delicacy you can imagine). How would you feel then? Or, rather, will it be anywhere close to the same experience? The answers are mixed. First of all, you will severely miss the taste, the flavour, and the sheer pleasure of eating your favourite dish, bite after bite. Beyond that, the extensive processing involved in converting the original stuff into capsulated form will rob it of many micronutrients. In other words, it is better than nothing, but it is nowhere close to the real thing.
You have to make your own choices depending on your lifestyle, but in this writer’s opinion, the real thing will always be a far better choice.

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