Lose Weight Faster with Coconut Oil

Many of us make it a point of avoiding fat in our foods in order not to gain weight. In our previous article about coconut oil, we highlighted that all fats are not created equal. Good fats, contrary to popular belief, have an appetite-suppressing effect on our bodies, in turn aiding in weight loss.

When you consume an adequate amount of fat in your diet, you will eat less than those who try to reduce their fat intake.

Fat slows down the emptying of the stomach so that you feel full longer. When you get hungry soon after a meal, you tend to overeat at the next. If you are less hungry during the day, you will naturally snack less and eat smaller portions at mealtimes. The less you eat, the fewer calories you consume leading to weight loss. Even though fat contains more calories than either protein or carbohydrate, its effect on curbing appetite more than makes up for the extra calories it contains.

MCT Burn more calories.

Researchers at McGill University, in Quebec, Canada, are now advocating the use of a special type of dietary fat to treat and prevent obesity. They recommend a fat rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) such as that found in Coconut Oil,
In the “Journal of Nutrition, researchers reviewed all the published studies to date on MCTs and weight management. These studies demonstrated that diets containing MCTs result in an increase in energy, a rise in metabolism, increased burning of calories, decreased food consumption, lower body fat mass, and reduced body weight.”

Better Digestion and absorbs more nutrients.

Organic virgin coconut oil is low in calorie and contains a unique combination of fatty acids MCFA’s. It increases the body’s ability to digest food and absorb nutrients. The MCFA’s provide our bodies with the building blocks to synthesize or use the hormones needed by our bodies to regulate mood, thyroid function, digestions, sex drive and metabolism.

Coconut oil is converted directly into energy.

When consumed coconut oil’s MCFA’s do not supply fat to fat cells like longer chain fatty acids sometimes can. They are transported directly to the liver where they are converted to energy. This allows the body to use them as an immediate source of fuel rather than pack them away in storage inside our fat cells.

Insulin Resistance.

Another way in which coconut oil gives you energy is that it helps your body to maintain stable blood-sugar levels by promoting the efficient production and use of insulin. This provides efficient use of glucose to give you stable amounts of energy throughout the day. When your energy levels are stable, you do not need sugary snacks, energy drinks, or lots of food to compensate for the lack of energy.

Hormone Regulation.

Coconut oil advances the production of healthy hormones, which improve digestion, increase energy, reduce stress and anxiety, and help you burn fat stores such as those around the thighs, buttocks, and waist.

How to use coconut oil for weigh loss:

Enjoying daily intakes of coconut oil will make you less stressed and will elevate your mood. Additionally, coconut oil gives a fantastic energy boost coupled with reduced hunger and cravings. This allows you to use the energy to exercise and engage in physical activities.
Start with half a teaspoons three times per day. Monitor how your body reacts to it. (You might experience mild detox symptoms such as a nausea, headache or flu like symptoms for a few days) and work up to three tablespoons per day.
The best time to consume coconut oil is twenty minutes before mealtime is the best time as it will significantly reduce appetite and help you to feel full more quickly and be satisfied with smaller portions.
To liquefy, mix 1-2 TBL of coconut oil in a mug and add hot water or herbal tea Stir to melt and drink. Alternatively, you can simply eat the coconut oil and let it liquefy in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing.
Try this recipe to make chocolate from raw coconut oil and enjoy all the benefits with a health kick.
The key is to keep in mind that this is not about adding fat calories to your diet but rather about replacing hydrogenated and oxidizing oils such as canola and corn oil- used for cooking and found in processed foods with healthy coconut oil. Ditch the bad fats. Shifting your intake of fats to good fats in order to support your weight loss efforts.

Coconut oils found in the Egyptian market are not equal in quality. Avoid processed, un-pure coconut oil. Aim only for 100% raw, unrefined, premium quality coconut oil. We recommend Divine Coconut! Not only is it unprocessed, ensuring the presence of all the benefits coconut oil provide; but it also has a pleasant taste and aroma.

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